
Stock code:300464


Enterprise mission
Enjoy cheap and fine, safe and comfortable furniture and hardware products for all human.


Enterprise vision
To become the world's leading manufacturer of household hardware products.


Core values
Honesty pragmatic, Professional focus, Continuous innovation, Grow together.


Brand concept
Delicate hardware, heart does not shading, Achieve century-old brand  which accompany billions of families around the world forever.


Business concept
Market-oriented, driven by science and technology, survival by quality, and development by innovation.


Management concept
Scientific management, system operation;Make the best use of everything.


Manufacturing concept
Digitalization, intelligence and ecology.


Service concept
Adhering to the elaborate careful, Committed, attentive and patient five-star service concept.


Cooperation concept
Respect customers, understand suppliers, and achieve common growth of the three parties through mutual benefit and win-win results.


Guangdong SACA precision manufacturing Co., Ltd

ADD: No. 3 Keye Road, Industrial Park, Beijiao Town Shunde District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province,China

TEL: 400-688-6693

FAX:0086-757-2665 3400

Zip:528311 Http://www.yooen.com.cn

E-mail:xinghui@sh-abc.cn export@sh-abc.cn

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