
Stock code:300464

SACA Overview
Founded in 1994, Guangdong SACA Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd , it has three manufacturing bases in China, they are located in Guangdong Shunde, Qingyuan and Jiangsu Taizhou. In order to provide customers with all kinds of hardware integrated supporting services in Europe, SACA has built up both manufacturing and R&D bases also. In June 2015, SACA became the first listed company in the furniture hardware industry in China. SACA specializes in manufacturing slides, hinges and other hardware for various industries, such as furniture, electrical equipments, financial equipments, automobile industry, IT and etc.

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Guangdong SACA precision manufacturing Co., Ltd

ADD: No. 3 Keye Road, Industrial Park, Beijiao Town Shunde District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province,China

TEL: 400-688-6693

FAX:0086-757-2665 3400

Zip:528311 Http://www.yooen.com.cn

E-mail:xinghui@sh-abc.cn export@sh-abc.cn

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